Zero Work, Spent Time With The Family and Commissions Rolled In…

Hey there, hope you are having a blessed day today!
Today I received a very interesting message from Zack and I figured I’d share it with you too.
Please read his story below and feel free to comment below…
I was moved by this email. God bless!
Hey Zach here and I hope you had an
amazing weekend. This weekend has been pretty crazy and my business
is growing fast and I want to share with you how you can
do the same.Back 4 years ago I was $50k in debt and could barely
afford to pay my bills and struggling mentally with why 
I shouldn’t end my life.

On top of that I really wanted to provide my family a better
life and help my parents like they helped me.

Back in 2006 I got hit by a drunk driver and it ruined me
financially and mentally.

Everyone left me hanging, but my parents stuck by my
side and made sacrifices to cover all my bills.

This was an extremely tough time during my life, but
I promised myself one day I would be able to pay my
parents back for all the sacrifices they made for me.

Money doesn’t motivate me, but maybe it does for YOU.

For me it’s all about knowing my family can be financially
free and know that they never have to want for anything.

This weekend was very special for me and I if you’re close
to your family I’m sure you can relate.

I woke up Sunday already about $14,000 in profit for the 
weekend so I got up and went to breakfast with my mom.

Later my dad(Guy Crawford) and I decided to be spontanious
and go to the Brickyard 400(if you’re not in the US it’s a NASCAR Race).

By the time we made it to the track we made another $1000 and while
sitting at the event we made $3000 more.

Now the screenshot below shows proof, but about $6000 in commissions
are missing there because it’s still pending.

 Zack's Results
Now I don’t want you to be impressed with this because I’m 
just a normal person just like YOU.I just made a decision a long time ago to align myself with
the right people and learn some of the basic skills needed
to create the lifestyle I enjoy today.However what I’m most proud of is the lifestyle i’m able to
provide for my family.

My dad helps me run the business and soon my mom will
be retiring from her job and we are moving to Florida which
is something we talked about for years.

How would you like to give your family a better life?

I’m sure the answer to about 99% of people is a big YES.

I’m just getting started with this business and I’m going to
scale this business to the moon and back and I’m going to
help a lot of people make a lot of money.

I already have a sweet little Indonesian girl who has made
around $70k this year and she’s even hitting $10k days now
by following what I teach her.

See proof here

 MTTB Matt for Zack

This is just one of my students and I have enough
testimonials you can plaster a wall with.

You will notice I don’t send out emails like most 
marketers pushing a different offer everyday.

Theres a good reason for that……

If I don’t know it will work for myself or YOU then
I won’t put my name on it.

I only work with the highest converting offers and
programs I truly trust.

With MTTB you’re setup to win from the start.

So let’s really talk about that for a minute and 
let me explain why mttb is superior.

1.) The money is in high ticket sales not
promoting $27 ebooks.

It will take you forever to get rich promoting low
ticket products.

Most of the time if you promote a $27 product you
only get 50% of that.

Even if it’s your own $27 product, do you know how
many sales a month you need to make $10k or $20k?

370 sales to make $10,000 a month

740 sales to make $20,000 a month.

It’s going to take a long time to build up a successful
business promoting low ticket products like this.

This is the very reason I have marketing friends who
started out at the same time as me and can barely 
make $8k a month while I usually do that in a couple

High ticket sales will make you a lot more money with
only a handful of customers.

It’s easier to sell 5-10 people a high ticket product 
over selling 100’s or even 1000’s of people a low 
ticket offer.

2.) You need a high converting sales funnel that
does all the heavy work for you.

Something I’ve learned over the years is without
a good sales funnel(process people go through to buy)
you will not make much money.

I used to just run people to a sales page for an affiliate
offer and hope for the best.

As you can imagine I made very little money.

Now I leverage MTTB’s sales funnel which makes
things extremely easy to make a lot of money.

If you send traffic through their funnel they GUARANTEE
you will make $1000 in 30 days or they pay you $500 cash.

I can tell you that you won’t need to take them up on
that guarantee because this funnel converts better than
anything I’ve ever seen or been involved in.

3.) Have someone do all the selling for you.

Let’s face it……most people suck at selling and a lot
of people are scared to sell.

Maybe you’re too, but theres nothing wrong with that.

Selling is a skill you learn over time, but with MTTB I
would suggest even if you’re good at selling you leave 
it to the pro’s.

With MTTB they give you a dedicated phone team who
follows up with all your leads to close them for you and
just like this weekend while I was out with my father you
see money being deposited into your account while you
do nothing.

This is what we call leverage. Having people working 
for you closing your leads while you spend time doing 
what you really want to do.

4.) Just focus on traffic generation.

Traffic generation is the process of getting people to 
your offer.

Most people try to master every skill in this business
when they start and this is just wrong.

The only thing you need to focus on with MTTB is
getting people into the funnel and let the phone
team do all the selling for you.

If you focus only on this you will make a lot of money.

I hope by now you see the true power in joining MTTB,
but let me explain the full benefits of the system and the
bonuses you get for joining my team.

MTTB Gives You:

– Done for you emails to send to your email subscribers.

– A website to send all your traffic to.

– A phone team to close all your leads.

– A high converting sales funnel that will allow you to make
$1k, $3k and $5k commissions.

– Your own person six figure coach to show you exactly what
to do in order to get results.

– A GUARANTEE that if you don’t make at least $1000 in 30 days
they will pay you $500 cash.

If you apply what they teach you and follow the steps this system
has everything you need to succeed.


It’s amazing to see the results so many are having with My Top Tier. Don’t be left behind.
Click on the link below and let’s get you started on your journey to real financial success!

Hope you also enjoyed the email, but action is everything and those who take action
succeed. Once you’ve applied I will personally give you a welcome call 🙂


To your success and God bless,

~Nathaniel Laurent~

>> Get Started Here<<


PS. If you have any questions please feel free to leave it in the comment box below.