Glow Funds Reviews – Is It A Ponzi Scheme Or A Legitimate Opportunity?

Glow FundsIt’s time for one more MLM company review and this time I will review Glow Funds.

I am sure like myself, you also get excited seeing new MLM ventures and would like to learn more about them. Even more so with a new company like Glow Funds, whose entire operation is online.

To help you guys, I have done some research and prepared this Glow Funds Review. I have divided this into different sections for better navigation.

Let’s check what Ads Residual is all about!

What Is Glow Funds All About? 

Glow Funds does not reveal any information about its owners or management team.

I am not surprised to learn this!

While researching its registration information, I found that it is a newly established company, established just on November 2016. The domain is also registered for just a year.

No surprise here either! It seems like everything is going south.

This company is particularly popular in Pakistan as over 46% of its web traffic comes from there. Other Asian countries such as India, Afghanistan and Myanmar also contributes to its web traffic significantly.

That is all I could find about the company. Let’s check out their products.

Products Glow Funds Offers

Glow Funds does not have any physical or digital products for sale. Members can only promote and sell their affiliate membership. This is not a good sign!

The Glow Funds Compensation Plan

After becoming a member, you have to gift each other bitcoins in a 2×6 matrix to participate in their compensation plan.

Here you will be placed at the top of a matrix that has 2 positions under it. These first 2 positions make up the first level of the matrix and the second level is made by adding another 2 positions under the first 2, for a total of 4 positions. In the Same way, the third to the sixth level of the matrix will be made. The complete 2×6 matrix holds 126 positions.

For every level of the matrix, you have to gift bitcoin to unlock upline and participate.

  • Level 1 – Gift 0.03 BTC to the affiliate who recruited you and receive 0.03 BTC from 2 subsequently recruited affiliates
  • Level 2 – Gift 0.05 BTC to your second upline and receive 0.05 BTC from 4 affiliates
  • Level 3 – Gift 0.1 BTC to your third upline and receive 0.1 BTC from 8 affiliates
  • Level 4 – Gift 0.2 BTC to your fourth upline and receive 0.2 BTC from 16 affiliates
  • Level 5 – Gift 1 BTC to your fifth upline and receive 1 BTC from 32 affiliates
  • Level 6 – Gift 2 BTC to your fifth upline and receive 2 TC from 64 affiliates

Like this, the second up-line is created by the affiliate who sponsored you.

The third up-line is the affiliate who sponsored your second up-line, and it goes on and on.

These gifts/payments recur monthly. This means that you have to begin from the start every month.

 My Final Words About Glow Funds

Glow Funds does not wish to reveal the people behind the business. This could only mean one thing, that they don’t want to be found or chased if the venture goes down. You may very well be left in the water after a couple of months with all your investment gone.

Also, they do not have any real investment plan to generate revenue. This raises the question of how they are going to pay your ROI.

There’s no answer to this question.

Finally, the success of the investment solely depends on the popularity of the company. When the new recruitment slows down, so will be your income.

Personally, I do not recommend anyone to invest with them. However, the ultimate decision is yours.

I hope you enjoyed my review and learnt valuable insights about the company.

My Personal Recommendation:

Now if you’re looking to earn a substantial income from home I strongly recommend establishing “multiple” streams of income. The following the link that I’ve posted here below reveals a proven system in which you’ll have someone who is already making six figures a year, guide you to six figures within the next 6 months by the hand… How cool is that, aye 😉

In fact, check out what some of the others saying:

Ryan F.

Glow Funds

Vincent O.

Glow Funds

Now it’s your turn!

Press play watch the video below and get started now.

Glow Funds

>> Click Here To Watch The Video Now <<

Again, I hope you enjoyed this review and I’ll see you all at the top!

God bless,

Nathaniel Laurent

PS. All questions are welcomed, feel free to leave it in the comment area below… again God bless!

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